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Fly with us!


for children raised in welfare homes. 




Yejin was raised at Dongmyung

Children's Center until she moved

to the United States at the age of 12.


She met her new family in 2012 and

began a new chapter in her life.


Yejin is the very first beneficiary of

the YANA Study Abroad Program. 
She has been attending

Case Western Reserve University

since Fall 2020, majoring in nursing.


 "Yejin, this is the home you can always come back to.”


These words from my American dad are forever engraved

in my heart and have been my driving force in life.

Through the YSAP program, I learned the happiness of

having a home and a family to go back to.


The warmth and outpouring of love I received from YANA family allowed me

to dream of building my own happy family in the future,

which I never thought was possible in the orphanage.

Moreover, attending school in the States enabled me

to dream of becoming a nurse to help others.

YANA has made me realize how valuable and blessed I am.

Being a part of YANA for nearly 8 years, I realized that

there are still so many broken children without families.

I pray that these children can find healthy families and be full of happiness.

As YANA became my home, I hope to become a person that can be

a family for these children and reciprocates the love I received.

-Yejin Park

* Disclaimer

The individual fundraising goal for the YANA Study Abroad Program is based on the estimated cost of attendance calculated by their attending college. This includes tuition & fees, books & supplies, room & board, health insurance, transportation, and personal expenses. Please understand that as required by IRS regulations, any tax-deductible donation is made to the charitable organization (YANA Ministry Inc.) and not the individual (student) — otherwise it is a non-deductible gift and should be given directly to the student. For students qualified for and participating in our YANA Study Abroad Program, the IRS allows donors to state a preference of how their contribution is used and request that the gift support a particular student — and it allows the charitable organization (YANA Ministry Inc.) to fully consider that request as long as the donor understands and acknowledges for charitably given tax-deductible gifts that the ultimate authority regarding the disposition of your donation is at the discretion of YANA Ministry Inc. By using this online form, or other method described above, you are acknowledging and agree to those IRS guidelines.

Meet YSAP college students.

Fly with us !


for children raised in welfare homes. 

CLICK to visit student's page!

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